If you're anything like me, the second the flowers start popping open and the birds begin nesting I feel happy and ready for outdoor adventures. My taste in music, reading material and even what I want to see in film seems to change once I know we have made it past the dismal skies of winter.
Are you yearning for an original story that will speak to your youth, a time in life when things were black and white, yet everything was complicated?
Consider adding Carolina Spirit to your reading list, take a peek at the sample on my books page and enjoy. Available exclusively on Amazon in e-book and paperback. Travel to the Sea Islands of South Carolina and meet the unforgettable residents of Lady's Island, the ones who live and work there and the ghosts of the residents long gone.
Gracie is a southern tomboy to the core, wise beyond her years and more stubborn than anyone you might ever meet. Her father dies in a tragic fishing accident and rather than accepting this at face value she does some digging of her own and finds that things aren't quite what they seem as she puts herself and her best friend Gus in extreme danger trying to solve the mystery of what really happened.
If you have ever experienced loss that you weren't sure you would get past, Gracie's journey will help heal your heart and remind you with adventure, yearning and humor that you aren't alone.