Do you dream of writing a book ?
That is fantastic! There is nothing more amazing than writing about your experiences and applying them to a memoir, fiction or a screenplay. I’m going to be honest with you. It isn’t easy. It isn’t something you can begin, then stick in a drawer. It is a commitment. It is one you make to yourself first and foremost. Recently I have had a few people want to know the secret.
Psst! Darling, there isn’t one.
Do you read? Are you experienced in life or your subject? Great! That is where the story comes from. If you want to be a writer, you must be a reader. A man I admire deeply said as much. He has made a fortune off his writing. It didn’t begin that way for him. He got turned down time and again after writing four full length thrillers. Hours and months of work with no nod is deflating. He kept going.
Stubbornness in social situations is considered less than positive, in writing it is a blessing.
Why must you read? Let’s be real. We all could use some help, unless you are the sorely missed , and astounding- Ms. Harper Lee. I am not aware of anyone else who penned their debut and then won a Pulitzer prize. Have you read the classics? That is a fabulous place to begin.
Why? Everything you need to know is in there. Bravery, a social conscience and sentences that will blow your mind. That is where they live. You cannot expect to engage readers without smelling the secret sauce.
Writers like Tolstoy, Plath, Wilde. Shute and Hemingway all have a common thread. I could write an entire book about all the writers who have influenced my writing… This example is wide and random. ( They are nothing alike. )
The connection is the ability to carry you right to the edge, still wanting more.
Darling...you cannot leave until I break the spell.
This is an elemental key.

I would suggest you begin writing every day. It can be 15 minutes or a few hours. Turn off the TV and the internet. Don’t text your long lost Facebook friend. Get to work hustler.
When you are done, read for the same length of time. The muse will come. It will wake you up and tap on the window. I am not kidding! You have kicked this around for how long? You can do this!

Perhaps you only want to publish for family and friends? That is a much easier task and well worth your time if that is your goal. There are massive amounts of books on Amazon that are free. If you belong to Kindle unlimited, the books will help you learn formatting, marketing and how to get published
Oh no more reading! Yes, that is the way of the wordsmith. If reading doesn’t interest you then you need to find another hobby or obsession…I have always wanted to learn to play the ukulele! Maybe someday I will.
Are you shy? Do you feel inhibited about sharing? A beautiful friend of mine from Serbia, shared with me that she is hesitant to express herself under a microscope. Why not use a pen name and be someone else in your expression? If you have something to say, no matter what-please do! The world has far too many critics and not enough of what it really needs. Find a way to bring it forth.
I have started my own focus group. We meet for the first time today. A new writer friend of mine advised I find my tribe. He was right. It is important to join other writers and learn from each other. I need to toss around ideas and get out in the world. Writing is a solitary task and it is good to get out and engage.

Will they steal your ideas? I sure hope not, but it has happened. Be careful as you are in all aspects of life. Align with people who have values and appreciate what you bring to the table. I am planning on writing a monthly post about the questions people ask me every day when they discover that I write.
I am beginning my own journey of discovery in a month. I am pursuing my M.F.A. in creative writing. My focus is fiction and screenplays. I want all of my novels to be made into movies too. What can I say? I am a dreamer. Will this make me the next big thing? Who knows? What I do know is… I will be a better writer for it and that my dear is the point.
If you enjoyed this post, please tweet it, tell your friends. Read my books and review them! I appreciate you!
Now get offline and go write something!
Find your Peace, Love, Hustle & then Write -xoxo Bibiana
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